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Ash: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 14) Page 2

  She nodded. “Getting there.”

  “You playing in the Pre-Emptive Strike battle tonight?” Eric’s blue eyes lit up. “Everyone’s going to be playing, and looking to take you down.”

  She smiled. This was the other reason she’d been pushing so hard to get her work finished. The computer game was one of the highlights of her life. “I’ll be there. And I’m gonna kick your ass.”

  Some of the others responded to her comment with wisecracks and good-natured grins. Eric smiled. He really was cute in a sweet, geeky way. If only she’d felt a spark of attraction to him…

  “You want to team up?” he asked hopefully.

  Her heart knocked against her ribs, and she gave him a small, apologetic smile. “I already have a fight partner.” Excitement sizzled through her. She couldn’t wait to sign on tonight and join up with him again. Since they’d connected in the game a few weeks ago, they’d played together almost every night, and become an unstoppable duo.

  Eric’s face fell. “Right. The mysterious SuperSoldier3.”

  “Yes.” Marin scanned the table, and then the dining room. She had no idea which gamer geek was her mystery fight partner. She swallowed. She just prayed he wasn’t some teenage boy pretending to be older.

  A part of her screamed at her to ask SuperSoldier who he was, but another part was too afraid. They played well together, and then stayed online on the base’s network afterward, talking. Sometimes for hours.

  She knew his childhood hadn’t been great. His mom had left, and he and his sister had been raised by his dad. Who, to Marin, didn’t sound like he’d win father of the year. SuperSoldier had confessed he’d gone to college, been so excited to start a new life, but his sister had gotten mixed up with drugs, and so he’d dropped out to help his dad. He’d ended up working in the family business.

  Marin had told him about growing up with a never satisfied mother and an oblivious father. She’d told him about feeling more than a little awkward in social situations. She knew she wasn’t terrible to look at, but parties or social gatherings made her uncomfortable, and it was hard work to keep a smile on her face. She’d told him about loving her work, and her driving need to learn and figure out problems.

  She really liked him.

  Every time she was online, she thought about asking his real name. But, truth be told, she was too afraid she’d be disappointed, or worse, he’d be disappointed if they revealed their true identities. She didn’t want to ruin the fantasy.

  A commotion at the doorway made her look up. A group was entering the dining room. Hell Squad. Her breath hitched as she watched them. Marcus Steele strode in, his arm around his wife, Elle. They made such a fascinating couple. The battle-hardened soldier, and the smart, sweet comms officer. The big, tough man was completely in love with Elle. They gave Marin hope that one day, even in the chaos the world was now, she’d find something like what they had. Although Elle was also a former socialite. She was the kind of woman that Marin’s mother would have loved to have as a daughter. Helena Mitchell had been constantly perplexed by her daughter.

  The woman who followed Marcus and Elle made Marin sit up straighter. Claudia Frost was the only female soldier in Hell Squad. The woman was tall, tough, and badass. She was wearing khaki cargos and a dark T-shirt, walked with a slight swagger, and exuded confidence. She was Marin’s hero. Oh, who the hell was she kidding? She was Marin’s girl crush. Claudia was everything Marin wanted to be in her dreams.

  A man followed one step behind Claudia. With shaggy brown hair that contained gold strands, and an easy smile, Shaw Baird was pretty easy on the eyes. He slung an arm around Claudia’s shoulder and the woman elbowed him in the gut in response. But a second later, he pulled her in for a quick kiss, and Claudia clearly didn’t mind.

  The rest of Hell Squad and their partners followed behind. These were the men and women who went out there every day to fight the Gizzida. Every day, they risked their lives to keep the Enclave safe. They were heroes.

  Marin knew she was doing her part with the tech team. They kept the power on, the water hot, and the systems running, and they helped decode alien tech and information for the squads.

  But she knew it wasn’t nearly the same thing as putting on armor, picking up a carbine, and climbing into a Hawk to face the aliens.

  She toyed with the food on her plate, only half-listening to the flow of conversation around her. She always felt like this…always on the edge, trying to do her best, but never feeling like it was enough. Like she was enough.

  God, Marin. You’re in the middle of an alien apocalypse. Suck it up.

  Suddenly, she heard the sound of deep voices and raucous laughter filled the room.

  Another group entered the dining room, and the air caught in her lungs. The berserkers had arrived.

  She watched, riveted, as the all-male squad passed through the doorway. The berserkers were rough, tough, and dangerous. From what she’d heard, they didn’t all have military training. In fact, a few of them had rather dubious backgrounds. Former mercenaries, bikers, criminals…

  They were the most amazing men she’d ever seen, and she could admit that something about them made her insides quiver. They were all big, muscled, and covered in tattoos. She glanced around the room and noted more than a few women staring.

  The head of the squad, Tane, had brown dreadlocks that fell around his dark, intense face. His brother Hemi was shorter, and a little broader. He had a dark beard and a booming laugh. Both men’s arms were covered in amazing Maori-style tattoos.

  Griff was talking with Dom. The former cop had hair clipped short and a powerful body. She knew Griff had gone down for some crime, and she wondered again just how a cop survived in prison. In comparison, Dom was all darkness. He moved in a fluid, elegant way that made you want to just watch him walk. He had a lean face, black hair and black eyes. Something about him always set off Marin’s hindbrain, telling her to hide or run.

  Levi had his gold-streaked brown hair pulled up in a man-bun at the back of his head. If any of the tech team tried that hairstyle, she knew they’d look silly. Levi, however, did not.

  Then her gaze fell on Ash Connors.

  Her pulse spiked. He was a little more handsome than the others, but no less sexy or dangerous. Both his arms were covered in sleeves of ink in shades of black, red and blue. She loved looking at those tattoos. Every time she did, she saw different images in them.

  As she watched, two women sauntered up to the berserkers, all smiles and flirty looks. Levi grinned at a curvy brunette and tugged her in close. The other woman, who was tall with a fall of honey-blonde hair, leaned into Ash.

  Marin looked down at her plate. Those were the kind of women big, wild, sexy men liked—gorgeous, confident, and sexy. All the things she wasn’t. She glanced at her watch. There was still a bit of time until the Pre-Emptive Strike battle, but she suddenly wasn’t hungry anymore.

  “I’m off.” She grabbed her dishes, stood, and nodded at the rest of her team. “See you on the battlefield.”

  After she cleared away her dinnerware, Marin headed back to her room. She liked the Enclave. It had been purposely built in an underground coal mine to serve as a sanctuary by the Coalition’s former, and very corrupt, president. There was a lovely garden, a hell of a computer system, and even artwork on the walls to brighten the place.

  After pressing a hand to her door lock, Marin stepped into her quarters and flicked on the lights. She knew it was the same as others in the base had—small living room with a kitchenette, and a bedroom off to the side with a tiny bathroom. It wasn’t much, but it was home, and she was grateful for it.

  She’d loaded her bookcase with books she’d snagged from wherever she could find them, and had a kickass computer and screen set up at the desk pushed against the wall. She eyed the widescreen. She’d scavenged the parts for the comp herself, and knew she had one of the sweetest gaming setups in the Enclave.

  Marin took her time changing into some comfy,
cutoff jean shorts, and a clean T-shirt. Then she cleaned up the clothes she’d dumped on the floor over the last few days. She wasn’t the messiest person in the world, but when she got busy with her work, she sometimes let the housework slide. She wrinkled her nose. Housework was so overrated.

  Finally, she glanced at her watch. She stroked the face of the men’s watch. It had been her father’s. It was all she had left of her absentminded, smart, but loving dad.

  Her pulse jumped. The game was starting. She sat down at her computer and pulled on her headset.

  Time to kick some ass.

  Chapter Two

  Marin logged into Pre-Emptive Strike, atmospheric graphics filling her screen. She knew some of the tech team had virtual reality goggles to play with, but not that many sets had survived the attack.

  She tapped the screen and activated voice control. Her character appeared. PrincessBadass lived up to her name. Tall, muscular, with straight, blonde hair that was pulled back in a ponytail. Marin’s character carried a carbine that glowed pink. Every time Marin saw her avatar, she smiled.

  She checked the login screen. Her partner was late. She felt a little flutter and bit down on her lip. Maybe he wouldn’t show up tonight?

  At that moment, a dialogue box popped up on the screen, and words started to appear. How’s my badass princess tonight?

  Marin smiled. A huge, tough soldier appeared on the screen, towering over her character. He had cool, battle-scarred armor, dark hair cut super-short, and black ink down one arm. SuperSoldier3.

  “Hey, you,” she said into her headset. She knew that somewhere in the Enclave, he’d be watching the words appear on his screen.

  Ready to kick some ass?

  Marin flexed her fingers. “Always.”

  Others began to join the game, and a timer appeared, counting down to the start of the fight. Tonight, they’d be battling giant mutated animals that had broken out of the Earth’s crust to destroy the world.

  Did you have a good day?

  She thought of the alien cubes. “Yes, and pretty productive. You?”


  Three, two, one. The battle began.

  Let’s move along that brick building. Watch out for anything falling off the roof.

  She moved in sync with SuperSoldier3. He was always very strategic, thinking of cover and vantage points. They hugged the wall, turned a corner, and faced an incoming mob of monsters.

  Marin’s fingers danced over the controls. PrincessBadass lifted her carbine, and fired. Together, they plowed into the mêlée. When her ammo ran dry, SuperSoldier3 was there, tossing her more. When a monster burrowed right up beneath him, Marin leaped in close and shoved a healing pack his way.

  They fought side by side, watching each other’s back. Marin mowed down three wild beasts.

  Nice work. His character spun and jammed a wicked blade into the gut of an oncoming monster.

  “Not too shabby, yourself,” she said.

  As she watched other players’ characters going down in the onslaught, she imagined that this was just the tiniest taste of what it actually felt like for the squads to be out there, battling the Gizzida in real life. She shivered. Even just playing the game got her heart pumping and anxiety tensing her muscles. She felt fear, stress, elation, and frustration.

  How would it feel to know it was real? To know one wrong move could mean your death?

  She knew she’d never be brave enough or strong enough for that.

  Incoming. Twelve o’clock. SuperSoldier3 moved in close to her.

  Marin saw a giant, multi-legged monster pull itself out of a hole in the ground. Then she spotted movement behind them. “We have a pack of crushers coming in from the rear.”

  The crushers looked like dog-like apes, moving with a loping gait on their large front legs.

  She pressed her back to SuperSoldier3’s and started firing her weapon. She grabbed several grenades off her belt and tossed them. The roar of SuperSoldier3’s carbine echoed around her.

  They fought, and then ducked for cover. Tucked behind a wall, Marin popped up to fire, her shoulder pressed to SuperSoldier3’s hard one.

  They’re getting too close.

  “Cover me.” Marin touched the controls. PrincessBadass leaped over the wall, pulled out a huge grenade, and ran straight at the group of monsters. He laid down cover fire, and she tossed the device. Rolling out of the way, she jumped up and sprinted back toward SuperSoldier3.

  The controls shook in her hands as the grenade exploded. Her character dived over the wall and landed beside him. The screen exploded with flames and rearing, screaming monsters.

  That was badass.

  Warmth burst in her chest. She’d never truly been badass before. The last monster tottered sideways, then collapsed.

  Suddenly, words appeared on the screen. Battle winners. PrincessBadass and SuperSoldier3.

  Blood pumped thickly through Marin’s veins. She flexed her stiff fingers, and grinned. Congratulatory messages from other players popped up on the screen. She threw her arms into the air. “We are the champions of the Enclave!”

  Loved that move at the end.

  “Thanks. I wish I was that fierce in real life.” She dropped back in her chair, staring at his words on the screen.

  And, right at that moment, she wished she knew who he was.

  I bet you’re fiercer than you think. I love watching you kick ass. It’s sexy as hell.

  Marin felt heat in her cheeks. “My character is sexy. I designed her like that.” The opposite to real-life Marin. She knew she was smart, and not unattractive, but sexy escaped her.

  Sexy has nothing to do with what you look like, Princess.

  She stilled, her gaze riveted to the blinking cursor.

  And it has nothing to do with your character in the game.

  Her breath hitched. She knew what was coming.

  The words came up on the screen. You want to have some fun again? Celebrate our win?

  She watched the blinking cursor, heat curling through her belly. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Good. Unbutton your trousers, Princess.

  Marin couldn’t exactly remember how this had started. A week into their gaming partnership, they’d started talking. Sometimes for hours in the middle of the night. She’d told him things she’d never told a soul before.

  And then one night, things had turned…hot. Sexy.

  Did you open them?

  Marin leaned back in her chair and flicked open the button on her shorts. “Yes.” Her voice was breathy.

  Good. Now, press your hand to your belly.

  In her head, she imagined his voice—deep, low, and sexy. She could almost feel the brush of his warm breath on her neck. She did as he commanded, sliding her hand down her quivering belly.

  Go lower, Princess. Slide two fingers inside your panties.

  God. She closed her eyes, her fingers sliding under silky cotton. She imagined a big, masculine hand moving over her belly and between her legs. In her fantasy, that arm was covered in tattoos. Strangely, they weren’t the black designs on SuperSoldier3’s character, but splashes of ink in different colors.

  Are you wet?

  “Yes.” Her panties were soaked. Her belly was tight, desire pooling inside her.

  Touch yourself, Princess.

  She stroked herself, a gasp escaping her throat. That felt so good.

  I bet you’re so damn pink and pretty. How wet, Princess?

  “Wet.” She knew if he was here in the room, she’d never have the courage to talk to him like this.

  Touch your clit.

  Marin did, pressing that swollen nub in small circles. Sensations flared outward inside her, and she cried out.

  Fuck. I wish I could hear you. See you. Touch you.

  Open-mouthed, she stared at the words on the screen. “Are you…touching yourself?”

  Hell, yeah. My cock is in my hand and it’s so fucking hard.

  Marin moaned and sank her teeth into
her lip. She could imagine it.

  Now, slide a finger inside yourself.

  For the last two years, Marin had only had self-induced orgasms. She usually only gave her clit attention to get the job done and relieve a little stress. “I haven’t done that much lately.”

  Baby, you’re killing me.

  She wondered if he was groaning. Wondered what he was feeling. She slid her finger inside herself, gasping.

  How’s it feel?

  “Good.” But not enough. She needed more to fill the emptiness.

  Tell me how you taste, Princess.

  Taste? She blinked. “What?”

  Lick your fingers, baby.

  Was she brave enough? She trembled, feeling her orgasm looming.

  Be fierce, Princess.

  Seduced and feeling so hungry, Marin lifted her fingers to her lips and tentatively licked. She tasted musky, different, not unpleasant. “It’s different.”

  I bet it’s the tastiest honey. Now, rub your clit some more.

  Her hand moved back into her shorts, and she found her rhythm, her hips jerking.

  You’re going to come for me now.

  “Yes.” Her head slammed back against her chair, and she kept working her clit. She imagined a big, tough body kneeling between her legs, a dark head between her thighs.


  Right here. Come for me, Princess.

  Her muscles tensed and sensation exploded through her. She cried out, throwing herself back against her chair. So. Good.

  As the orgasm subsided, and the world around her came back into focus, she blinked. She was sprawled in her chair, a boneless mess.

  Did you come, baby?

  “Yes. Hard.”

  I’m in agony here. You are so sexy. Never forget it.

  “I’ll try,” she whispered.

  Good night, Princess.

  “Night, SuperSoldier.”

  She watched as the text disappeared from the screen. He’d logged off.

  Marin looked up at the ceiling and worried her bottom lip. She had the skills to hack the system and see where he was in the Enclave. It would be easy to work out his identity.