Through Uncharted Space: A Phoenix Adventures Sci-fi Romance Page 10
She took as much of his weight as she could, pulling backward. Damn, he was heavy. She strained, gritting her teeth, heaving back.
“Let me go, Dakota,” he shouted.
He cursed at her.
Their gazes locked, and for a horrible second, she thought they were both going to slide right off. No! She pulled back again, her arms straining.
His body came over the edge of the roof, and they both collapsed.
He rolled, wrapped his arms around her, and they sat there for a second, both of their chests heaving wildly.
“You stubborn, obstinate woman,” he growled.
“You bossy, obstinate man.”
He made a choked sound, burying his face in her hair. “We have to keep moving.”
“Yes, you’re welcome for saving your life.”
He shook his head, and then tipped her face up to look at him. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
He got up and pulled her to her feet. “I may still punish you when we get out of this.”
“Punish me? I don’t think so.”
He gripped her chin. “Don’t you dare risk yourself like that again.”
“I do as I please, Dare. Don’t you forget that.”
With a shake of his head, he grabbed her hand, and they set off running across the roof. At the edge, she was relieved to see the next building was far closer. Still holding hands, they both leaped over the space, and onto the next roof.
They kept moving like that, building to building, until the shouts on the ground below faded away. Thankfully, some buildings were so close together it was only a step across. Finally, something was going their way.
“It’s Golden Nova down there, isn’t it?” she said.
“Has to be. For now, we just focus on getting out of here.”
Finally, they leaped from the final structure onto the top of the building that had a pretty domed roof. She looked over and saw thick metal cables disappearing into the darkness. The cable car station.
Dare climbed down a wall, and as Dakota shimmied down, with her eyes locked firmly on the wall in front of her, Dare reached up, circled her waist, and lifted her down.
There were no lights on in the station and everything was silent. In the moonlight, she could see one of the big glass carriages sitting at the platform. Just past it, she looked up and saw that a section of the cables was completely missing. There was hazard tape and signs around it indicating that maintenance work was being carried out.
Dare was studying the cables intently.
Her stomach turned over. “There’s no way we can take the cable car down. The lines are cut for maintenance.”
Dare was frowning, and she could tell he was assessing the situation. Then, he pointed farther down the platform. “Look. We can take that.”
Right near the edge of the platform, where the thick wires dropped and disappeared down the mountainside, she saw what he was pointing at. Dakota stared in horror. Hanging from the wires was a tiny, two-man, open sling that wrapped around the wires and then dangled below it. It looked like the beach hammocks she’d seen on the resort world of Duna.
“The maintenance workers must use it to inspect the wires,” Dare said. “We can take it down to the city.”
Okay, maybe Dakota had prematurely thought that her luck was turning. She decided she’d been cursed. Some vengeful force had decided to curse her with facing multiple heights all in one day. Life just wasn’t fair.
“No.” Her nerves had suffered enough. “I’ll just let the bad guys take me.”
Dare grabbed her hand and pulled her forward.
“Dare, I mean it. I can’t handle any more heights today. I’ve gone past my limits.”
“Get in.”
He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off her feet. As she continued her protests, he ignored her. She hammered her hands against his chest, but he just climbed up into the small sling, dragging her in with him. She landed in one of the bucket seats set in the bottom.
As the sling wobbled wildly, she went still. Dare settled into the tight space, eyeing the simple controls.
Barely daring to breathe, Dakota sat in the narrow seat without moving an eyelash. Dare reached over her and clicked her harness in. She didn’t care that she had a belt, there were still no sides on the damn thing.
He clicked his own harness into place and placed his hands over the controls. When the small maintenance carrier moved forward, she shoved a fist in her mouth to stifle her scream.
They zoomed forward quickly. “I’m going to kill you for this.”
Dare ignored her, his gaze focused ahead. They gathered more speed, then dropped over the edge. Dakota’s heart leaped into her throat. They were now racing down the mountainside. In the darkness, she only had a vague view of the dark trees beneath them. She could hear animals screeching, and ahead were the distant lights of the city, like a sprinkle of jewels on a blanket.
Dakota squeezed her eyes closed.
“Someone sold us out,” Dare said darkly. “If Vero gave our location to Golden Nova, I’ll make him pay.”
She was thankful that his dark, slicing tone wasn’t directed at her. She had no desire to be on Dare Phoenix’s bad side.
Dakota pried her eyes open. Even with them closed, she was still well aware of what was beneath them. She stared straight ahead, her breathing shallow. “I can’t say I like Vero at all, but it could have been whoever sabotaged the Nomad. They could have found out where we were headed and passed it on.”
Dare grunted.
“Whoever it was,” Dakota said, “I’ll help you beat them up. They deserve it for me having to ride in this damn thing.”
Dare’s hand curled around her thigh and squeezed. “You’re doing so well, baby.”
“I’m one second away from the biggest panic attack uncharted space has ever seen. Don’t mock me.”
The air was rushing past them, but as long as she kept looking forward, she felt like she wasn’t going to lose it.
Suddenly, a wild, high screech echoed from below them. It made goose bumps rise on her skin. “What the hell was that?”
Dare’s hands flexed on the controls. “Vero said it wasn’t safe to travel up or down the mountain at night. My guess it’s because of whatever creature made that noise.”
Dakota curled in on herself and moaned.
There was another screech, closer this time, and something impacted the bottom of the sling. It swung wildly.
This time Dakota screamed and grabbed onto her belt with white-knuckled hands.
“Dakota!” Dare’s hand on her face. “It’s okay. Whatever it was, it can’t reach us. We’re too high.”
“It hit us.”
“Just a glancing blow. It won’t be long and we’ll be on the ground.”
Their destination couldn’t come fast enough. Dakota tried to calm her breathing, imagining she was lying on a warm beach somewhere. Yes, the sweet sand between her toes, perhaps a naked Dare coming out of the waves. Hmm, okay, this was working.
Dare touched his ear, trying to make contact with the Nomad. His voice was becoming more and more frustrated.
“Okay, we’re coming to the end of our ride,” Dare said. “Hold on.” He pulled back on the controls and Dakota felt the small car jerk as it started to slow.
Bile rushed into her throat, and she saw the pale shadow of the platform at the bottom rushing up to meet them. Stars!
Dare’s hands were steady on the controls. They zoomed into the station, slowed, and drifted into a smooth stop.
Dakota’s heart hammered in her chest. She couldn’t quite believe they’d made it safely to the bottom.
Then Dare was tearing their harnesses off. “Come on, it won’t take them long to work out that we took the maintenance carrier down. They’ll be on us before we know it.”
He helped her down onto the platform. They moved through the shadows, heading for the entrance.
/> “Nomad?” Dare said. “Come in, Nomad.”
“Dare?” Dakota heard the faint sound of Rynan’s deep voice from Dare’s earpiece. “What the hell’s going on?”
“We’re under attack. We’re off the mountain and back in the city, but we are nowhere near the shuttle. We are at the base of the city’s cable car. There is a group of soldiers after us, and we can’t trust anyone. Someone sold us out.”
Rynan cursed. “Okay, let me work out a—”
The comm cut off.
Dare tapped his ear. “Fuck.” His silver gaze collided with hers. “That must mean they’re here.”
They sprinted out of the cable car station and out into the quiet street. This late, there was no one around and no lights on in the surrounding buildings. Dakota searched the nearby shadows, but nothing was moving or looked out of the ordinary.
They moved down the street. “This is the route back toward the landing pads,” Dare said. “We’ve got to get back there as quickly as we can.”
But she knew it was a long way, and the longer they were out in the open, the greater chance their attackers would find them.
They moved down a few more streets until they reached a square with some lovely trees and lush grass. It was probably pretty during daylight hours, but now, with a lone streetlight lighting it, the long shadows looked menacing.
They were halfway across the square when she saw a tall shadow pull away from the trees. She tugged on Dare’s arm. The shadow moved toward them with a swaggering stride she recognized. Oh, no. Horror curdled in her gut.
A man stepped out in front of them. “Ms. Jones, I’ve gone to a lot of trouble to track you down.” He smiled, and it made her feel slimy and unclean.
He was a big man, with broad shoulders and the rough look of a soldier. His face looked like it was hewn from rock.
“Who the hell are you?” Dare demanded.
“My name is Korrdo.”
Dare stiffened.
Korrdo smiled. “You know who I am.”
“I know you’re the sick fuck who works for Maxir Sander. And I know you’re part of that fucked-up cult, Golden Nova.”
Korrdo’s smile dissolved. “We are not a cult. We are visionaries who fight for what is right.”
“Best we don’t have this conversation,” Dare suggested. “You aren’t going to convince me that blowing up innocent people on starships or in markets is what is right.”
“The galaxy cannot be constrained by the rules and whims of self-appointed overlords. Anarchy must prevail. Lives will be lost in the struggle.”
“They aren’t self-appointed,” Dare said. “They’re voted in by the people you kill. Sure, they aren’t perfect, but at least most of them aren’t out to kill for no damn good reason.” Dare shook his head. “There is nothing you can say that’s going to make me believe you are one of the good guys.”
“It doesn’t matter. You’ll be dead shortly.” From behind the man, more shadows materialized from the darkness, all dressed in black. “I see the charming Ms. Jones is snuggled up beside you. Has she been using her wiles to seduce you into doing what she wants?” Korrdo’s gaze narrowed. “She’s good at that. Rubbing that tight little body of hers against you and whispering promises that she has no intention of keeping.”
Dakota felt Dare stiffen.
“Oh, she didn’t mention that? That she promised herself to me? Of course, it was all so she could steal from me.”
Dakota looked up at Dare, wondering what he was thinking.
Korrdo took a step forward. “I’ll be taking Ms. Jones with me, and the map.”
“I don’t think so,” Dare drawled.
Dare launched himself at Korrdo. He moved so fast that Dakota gasped.
She’d seen him fight against the fake monk on the Nomad, but this? This was different.
He jammed an elbow into Korrdo’s neck. Korrdo staggered back and Dare landed three hard blows to the man’s head and chest. Korrdo swung out, but Dare sidestepped and then grabbed Korrdo by the back of the neck and swung him around.
Dare fought with a blank face, completely focused on taking down his opponent with merciless efficiency. She couldn’t look away.
Suddenly, someone grabbed Dakota from behind, lifting her off her feet. She struggled against the brawny arms of one of Korrdo’s men, trying to break free. When the goon squeezed her—hard—she groaned.
Dare’s head jerked up, looking her way. Behind him, she saw one of Korrdo’s men throw something to Korrdo. The big man shook the weapon and she saw a stun baton extend out.
“Dare!” she screamed. “Watch out!”
He was already turning, but Korrdo swung the baton like a bat. It slammed hard into Dare’s side. She watched his body jerk and then Korrdo activated the stun.
Dare’s body shuddered under the electric charge. He fell heavily to his knees, his chest heaving.
No. She slipped her hand down into the folds of her skirt and gripped the knife strapped to her thigh. In just seconds, she could leave her captor bleeding and get away.
Korrdo stepped up beside Dare, touching the stunner controls. “I’ve just set it to maximum. You come with me quietly, and I won’t kill him.”
Dakota’s gaze flew to Korrdo’s. His face looked hard. She’d seen him kill before, during the short time she’d spent at the Golden Nova colony.
“If you want to do this the hard way…” He pressed the end of the stun baton to the back of Dare’s head.
“Dakota, get out of here,” Dare said.
She sucked in a breath. All her life, everything she’d done, had been to save herself. Her hand was wrapped around her knife. Two seconds, and she could be free. She could run.
And Dare would be dead.
“Go,” he ordered, his tone hard as space rock.
She’d never had a partner, a man, a family. She’d never had anyone that she needed to put before herself or her own plans.
Dare’s silver gaze bored into her. Like a shout in her head, she could feel him urging her—ordering her—to escape.
She released the knife. “I’ll go with you.”
“No!” Dare roared.
Korrdo retracted the stunner and Dakota felt her shoulders sag. But then he moved, slamming his elbow into the side of Dare’s head. She heard the crack of bone on bone, and winced. Dare landed face down on the ground, out cold.
Korrdo stalked toward her. “Now, my sweet Ms. Jones, it’s just you and me.” He reached out and lifted the orb from her chest. “And this pretty map to Golden Nova’s treasure.”
Chapter Eleven
Pain stormed through Dare. His head was foggy and he couldn’t think straight. Every single one of his muscles ached like they’d been set on fire.
He tried to push himself up off the pavement and work out where the hell he was. He blinked a few times, seeing nothing but darkness and shadowed buildings.
Korrdo. He frowned. Panic seized him. Dakota. Golden Nova had taken Dakota.
He got one foot under him, fighting through the pain.
Suddenly, he heard the roar of engines, and felt a burst of air. He looked up and saw a shuttle hovering above him.
“Dare? Dare, do you copy?”
Rynan’s voice rang in his ears. Dare fumbled to reach his earpiece.
“Dare?” Justyn this time. “Damn you, big brother, talk to us.”
Dare touched his ear. “I’m here.” His voice was little more than a croak.
“We lost contact with you,” Ry said. “What happened? Are you and Dakota okay?”
Dare managed to get to his feet. “We got ambushed. Korrdo took Dakota.”
Ry’s harsh breath hissed across the line. “Korrdo? As in Korrdo Drach, Golden Nova’s second-in-command?”
“That’s the one. He stunned me and knocked me out.” Dare looked up at the shuttle.
“I had Nissa bring the shuttle to you remotely,” Justyn said.
“Thanks.” Dare saw the back ram
p of the shuttle lower. The end was only a few meters off the ground. He ran and jumped, gritting his teeth at the pain that flared through his body.
He pulled himself onto the ramp and into the shuttle. He settled into the pilot seat, taking over the controls. He needed to find Dakota.
He hadn’t told her, but he’d slipped a tracking device inside the waistband of her skirt. He set the shuttle’s scanners searching for her.
A sharp wave of nausea rolled over him. He sucked in some air, and realized he wasn’t going to do Dakota much good in this state. He moved back to the rear of the shuttle and opened a cupboard marked Medical. He yanked out a med kit and shuffled around inside it until he pulled out a pressure injector. He dialed it up to the strongest stimulant he could find. Not only would it block the pain, it would give him enhanced strength…for a period of time. He jabbed it against his neck and pressed the button. He winced as the stimulant hit him.
He was on the clock now. He had to get Dakota back before the stimulant wore off, because when it did, he was going to crash. Big time.
“Dare?” Ry’s voice. “The system just notified us that a Class Five stim has been used. Tell me you didn’t use it.”
“Already took it.”
Rynan swore. “That stuff is dangerous. Without the antidote, when you crash, at best, you’ll be out for hours, and at worst, you’ll go into cardiac arrest. What happens if you’re in the middle of a fight—”
The comp beeped. Dare spun. The scanners had picked up her location. “Don’t have time for this argument right now.”
His brother sighed. “Just get Dakota and get back here. ASAP.”
Dare sat back in the pilot’s seat, checked the comp, and set the shuttle moving.
As he moved over the sleeping city, it didn’t take him long to find her. He spotted Korrdo and his goons moving down a path alongside a narrow waterway. Dakota was still struggling and being dragged along by Korrdo.
When they saw the shuttle, they picked up speed.
Dare set the shuttle on autopilot and still locked onto Dakota’s signal. He grabbed a pair of laser pistols and gun belt from the shuttle’s hidden weapons locker. He checked their charge, then holstered the pistols at his hips.
He waited for the shuttle’s side door to open. Beside the door was a built-in zip line and retractor reel. He attached the end of the zip line to his belt. By now the stimulant had fully hit his system, and he was buzzing with energy.