Through Uncharted Space: A Phoenix Adventures Sci-fi Romance Page 11
He took two steps and leaped out of the shuttle. He whizzed downward and felt the zip line system slow his descent. He touched down gently on the ground, bending his knees.
As he disconnected the line, Korrdo’s men rushed at him.
Dare kicked the first one in the gut. Then he blocked a hit from the next, spun, and slammed his foot into another man. The final fighter was a woman. She came rushing forward, spinning knives in her hands. Dare whipped out his laser pistol and shot her in the shoulder before she got any closer. She stumbled back with a cry.
He fired at one of the other men who was getting back to his feet.
Ahead, Dare saw Dakota fighting with Korrdo. She had a scrappy street style—ducking and weaving, moving quickly, and not letting Korrdo get hold of her.
Dare stalked toward them, both pistols aimed.
“Dare?” Ry’s voice. “You’ve got more bad guys incoming, and you’ve also got Sullan authorities on the way. You guys aren’t exactly being discreet.”
“Roger that. We’ll be on our way shortly.”
Dare charged forward, his focus narrowed to Korrdo. He aimed both pistols at the Golden Nova man.
Korrdo looked up and his eyes widened. He was turning to face Dare when Dakota took advantage of his distraction. She kicked out, landing her foot between the man’s legs. Korrdo let out a strangled cry, and at the same time, Dare fired his laser pistols.
The man staggered backward, clutching his chest. Dare fired again, sending Korrdo spinning and falling to the ground.
“Dakota!” Dare roared.
She launched herself at him at the same moment he reached for her. They slammed together. He cupped her face.
“You’re okay?”
“I’m fine. What about you?” She patted his cheeks. “He stunned you and hit you hard. You shouldn’t even be upright—”
“I’m fine.” He grabbed her hand. “You should never have gone with him—”
Her answer was an infuriating roll of her eyes. No one had ever ignored Dare’s authority like this woman.
“Let’s get out of here,” she suggested.
Suddenly, the thunder of footsteps and shouts echoed down the waterway. Dare turned and saw a large group of uniformed Sullans rushing toward them.
Shit. The shuttle was still hovering above them, but he didn’t have time to recall the zip line.
He studied the nearby buildings. “We’ll have to climb up that building to get onto the shuttle.”
Her eyes widened. “Again? Really?”
“Dakota, you are the bravest woman I’ve ever met.” He pulled her up into his arms, and with the stim still in his system, her weight didn’t even slow him down. He leaped onto a small balcony. “Hold on.”
He used a wall of plants to climb up onto the roof, Dakota clinging to him.
On the roof, he ran across the flat surface, aiming for the shuttle.
He saw the shuttle spin and move closer. The side door was open, the zip line dangling out the side of the craft. Thank you, Nissa.
“Trust me?” he asked Dakota.
Luminous blue eyes looked up at him. “I don’t trust anyone.”
Dare tightened his grip on her, and picked up speed. Below them, he could hear the Sullan authorities climbing the building.
Dakota gasped. “Dare, what are you doing? It’s too far!”
Dare leaped off the building, using all the extra strength the stim gave him, and flew into the air. Dakota yelled. Below, the shocked Sullans looked up from beside the still waters of the canal.
With his free hand, Dare snagged the zip line.
Then they were zooming up toward the shuttle as the line retracted.
As he pulled them aboard, he felt the first hint that the stim was losing effect. He set Dakota on her feet, and then jabbed at the door control. As the door closed, it shut off the shouting from below them.
Dakota spun, and he expected her to slap him. It would be worth it. She was safe. That was all that mattered to him.
Now he felt a rush of anger. She’d willingly handed herself over to Korrdo…and that was unacceptable.
She slid her hand into his hair and yanked his mouth down to hers. Dare wrapped his arms around her, desire a hard, brilliant knock to his system. The kiss was hard, fast and fueled by adrenaline.
She pulled back. “Maybe I trust you a little bit.”
Dare was scarily silent on the ride back to the Sky Nomad.
Dakota was still pumped on the last dregs of adrenaline. For her, that had been a successful trip. They were alive, unharmed, and they’d gotten what they needed.
She glanced at the hard planes of Dare’s face. Something told her he might not agree with her assessment.
“You’re mad,” she said.
“Nothing wrong with your powers of observation.”
Ouch. His voice was icy enough to leave her with frostbite. “I did what I had to do—”
“You risked your life.”
She could feel the anger throbbing off him. He stayed silent as they closed in on the convoy’s position. As the Sky Nomad grew larger on the viewscreen, she sat back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest. She’d done the best thing and she didn’t have to defend herself to him. Let him stew.
Soon, they passed through the huma-field and into the shuttle bay. Dare set them down, and, through the viewscreen, she saw his brothers standing outside, waiting.
Without a word, Dare stood, grabbed her by the arm and jerked her to the door. She felt her own anger rising. They’d made it off the planet, they had the part and the information they needed. The guy should be celebrating.
He exited the shuttle.
“You guys okay?” Rynan asked.
Dare gave one vicious nod. “The part is in the back of the shuttle. Get the engine fixed, and get us underway.”
“You need to see Elana in the med bay. She has the antidote ready for—”
“I’ve got time yet. I’ll see her shortly.” Dare started yanking Dakota toward the shuttle bay door. Justyn caught her eye, and she rolled her eyes to the ceiling.
“Dare, are you sure you’re—”
“I’m fine. Not now, Ry.”
“And where are we headed from here?” Justyn asked.
“Dakota has the correct star map now. She’ll give it to you.”
“Dakota can speak for herself,” she bit out. “And will you quit pulling me around?” She jerked her arm back.
Dare didn’t let go of her.
She huffed out a breath. “I will upload the map to the system myself—”
“Just give the orb to Justyn,” Dare said.
Her hand clenched around it. “It’s mine.”
“He can hardly run off with it.” Dare’s mouth was a flat line. “Still don’t trust me?”
Jeez, the man was in a mood. She held the orb out to Justyn. “Don’t lose this, baby Phoenix, or I’ll make life unpleasant for everybody.”
Justyn grinned and accepted the orb. “I do like your style, Dakota. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of it.”
She gave him a nod. “Good.”
“By the way,” Justyn added, looking at his brother. “I got a call from a local trader interested in doing business with us. Apparently, his planet has some unique local gems he’d like to sell in charted space. I’m going to take my ship out and meet with him. I’ll rendezvous with you at our final destination when I’m done.”
Dare nodded. “We’ll see you there.”
Dakota looked back at Dare. “Now, let go of my arm.”
Rynan was still scowling at Dare. “I think you should see Elana now—”
Dare ignored them both, gripped Dakota’s waist and tossed her over his shoulder. He stomped out of the shuttle bay.
Dakota had had enough. She hammered at his back. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“You should be quiet right now.”
“I’m not yours to toss around and carry off like
a sack of supplies.”
He ignored her.
Dakota had had more than enough. She jammed her fingers in a sensitive spot in his lower back, near his spine. He let out a grunt, his arms releasing her. She twisted, got free, and landed in a crouch on the floor.
She looked up, and when she saw his face, she froze. His features were set in stark lines, and for the first time since she’d met him, his gaze didn’t look clear and direct.
She rose. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Then he staggered.
Dakota moved, jamming a shoulder under his arm. She barely caught him before he crashed to the floor.
“Rynan! Justyn!” Her shout echoed down the corridor.
As she lowered Dare to his knees, she knelt in front of him, cupping his cheeks. His skin was clammy.
“Jesus.” Rynan appeared. “Knew this would happen, the stubborn bastard.”
“I’ll get the antidote,” Justyn sprinted away.
“What’s happening to him?” Dakota demanded.
“He was obviously hurt from whatever altercation you two had down there. He took a stimulant to have the strength to rescue you. Now he’s crashing.” Rynan had pulled out a handheld scanner, running it over the side of Dare’s head.
Everything inside her went still. She stared into those silver eyes. He’d risked his life to come for her? No one ever had before.
She grabbed his hand, holding his gaze. “You should have gone to the med bay.”
His fingers flexed on hers. “I’ll…be fine.”
Justyn skidded to a stop beside them. “Got the meds.” He held up a pressure injector.
“Don’t know how he’s still conscious,” Rynan grumbled. “Any other person would have gone into cardiac arrest by now. He needs the antidote.”
Worry fluttering in her belly like a swarm of insects, Dakota was snagged by Dare’s intense stare. His gaze bored into hers. She cupped his cheek. “Stay with me, Dare.”
She was vaguely aware of Justyn administering the antidote.
“His pulse is too fast,” Rynan said. “And his blood pressure’s low.”
“Come on, Dare.” She stroked his cheek. “Don’t tell me your own body would dare disobey you.”
She smiled. “Yes. And you love it. Someone has to keep you sharp.”
“Pulse is leveling out.” Rynan sat back and huffed out a breath. “Pressure is rising.”
Dakota felt her own uncharacteristic panic start to subside. His cheeks looked less pale.
Justyn shook his head. “Usually it’s me causing all the excitement. Nice to see you doing it for once, Dare.”
Dare grunted and pushed up. Rynan held his arm, and once he was sure Dare was steady, released him.
“Okay?” Rynan asked.
“I feel fine now,” Dare answered. “Actually, really good.”
Rynan snorted. “The antidote will give you a bit of an energy boost.”
“Good.” Dare leaned down, grabbed Dakota, and she found herself tossed back over his shoulder.
“Dare!” she yelled.
“I think he’s better,” Rynan said dryly.
“His aim and his priorities seem spot on,” Justyn added.
Dakota fumed as Dare strode through the ship’s corridors. Moments later, he stalked into his cabin, the door whispering shut behind them.
He dropped her on the bed, and before she could move, his big hands gripped her jaw. “Never risk yourself like that again.”
“We’re back to that? You almost died minutes ago—” her breath hitched “—after you risked yourself to save me, and you’re going to lecture me about doing the same?”
“You do not hand yourself over to the bad guys. I thought you would’ve known that better than anybody.”
The raw emotion in his voice made her throat tight. “I did what I thought was best in the situation—”
“If we’re in that situation again, you get away.”
She narrowed her gaze. “I’m my own person, Dare. I’ve been making my own choices for a very long time.”
His hands slid down to cup her shoulders and he pulled her closer. Heat poured off his body. “Not anymore.”
She reached up and wrapped her hands around his wrists. “You might be in charge around here, but you’re not in charge of me. I’ll follow your rules while I’m aboard your ship, but the only boss of me is me.”
He leaned down until his nose brushed hers. “This isn’t about being the boss. This is about you risking your life. Korrdo would have killed you.”
“He was going to kill you!” The words burst out of her.
Dare pulled back a little, his gaze running over her face. “I thought you only looked out for yourself.”
Her pulse racing, she slipped under his arm and off the bed. “I do.”
But she’d risked her own life, her freedom, to save him. The thought shimmered in the air between them.
He took a step toward her and she backed up. He kept coming and they moved across the room. She felt the wall hit her back. No, not the wall. She was pressed up against that large glass window giving a beautiful view of space.
His hands slid down her arms until they tangled with her fingers. He lifted them, slamming them above her head. “I hated watching you go with him. I hated being helpless to save you.”
“I’m not helpless.” His lips pressed against the side of her neck, and Dakota almost moaned at the sensation.
“I know. That’s part of the reason I can’t seem to get you out of my head.”
His mouth landed on hers. Stars, he tasted so good. As his tongue slid inside her mouth, she kissed him back—hard. He had a beautiful mouth, and she sank her teeth into his lip. He growled.
She pushed against his hands, but he held them against the glass.
“I want to touch you.” She shoved again. “I’m not some sweet, little submissive who’s going to follow all your orders.”
His gaze burned into her. “I don’t want a submissive. They’re fun for a few days.”
“What do you want?”
Something flashed in his eyes. “Right now, I want you.” He released her hands.
She started tearing at his trousers, trying to unfasten them. He did the same, pulling her shirt off with one hard tug and leaving her breasts bare. Her nipples puckered and then his warm palms were covering them.
“I’m going to make you scream,” he said in a low growl.
“I’m going to make you lose control.” She ran her thumb over his lips, and he sucked it into his mouth.
She dropped her other hand to the front of his trousers, palming the hard bulge there.
“I don’t lose control.” His voice was a deep rasp.
She flicked his trousers open. “Nor do I.”
“Then this is going to get interesting.”
His hand circled her wrist and stopped her from reaching inside his trousers. She made a sound of frustration, but then he spun her, making her gasp. He made her press her palms against the glass.
“I’m going to give you pleasure now, Dakota.”
“I want to touch you.”
“You’ll get the chance. But first, I want to hear you come, feel your body clench on my fingers, see your pleasure.”
Dakota sucked in a breath. She could feel him tugging at her skirt and underwear. Then he unfastened the knife sheath strapped to her thigh. A second later, her clothes were in a pool at her feet and she was naked. The cool air of the cabin kissed her bare ass.
“You have a Namah implant?”
She nodded. It was the first thing she’d ever saved for. No way she wanted to catch a disease or fall pregnant by some scumbag back on her homeworld.
Dare caressed her curves before he spread her legs wider. She felt him going to his knees and she stared blindly ahead at the beautiful sea of black with pinpricks of light. She could just make out a nebula off in the distance.
Then his hands clamped around her up
per thighs and he pressed his mouth to her.
Dakota jerked. He wasn’t slow and he certainly wasn’t easy. He tasted her with long, hard licks that made her gasp. Her sexual encounters were usually quick with little foreplay. She could count on one hand how many times a man had gone down on her.
He licked around her clit, then his tongue was stabbing inside her. She heard her own husky cries echoing in the cabin.
“It’s too much.”
“Not enough. You taste so sweet. Let go, Dakota.”
But the feeling growing inside her was too scary, too overwhelming. “I…can’t.”
“Go over. I’ll catch you.” He licked, nipped, then his mouth closed over her clit.
Her orgasm tore through her, a ferocious tidal wave that sent her shattering apart. She screamed his name, her fingers pressing against the glass.
As her legs gave out, Dare caught her in his arms.
Chapter Twelve
As much as Dare loved hearing the sound of Dakota’s pleasure, he needed to see her face. He wanted to see the emotion in her eyes, see the shocked pleasure skitter across her features.
The bed was too far away. He turned and laid her on the floor. She was the most gorgeous thing he’d ever seen. Her lips were swollen from where she’d bitten them, her cheeks were filled with color, and so much emotion was shifting through her eyes.
He quickly discarded his trousers and freed his cock. She looked up at him, her gaze traveling down his body. He lowered himself over her, nestling between her spread legs.
He leaned down, rubbing the head of his cock between her folds. She was so wet, warm, and beautiful.
“Quit playing,” she panted. “I want you inside me.”
“So impatient.” He pushed into her and she made a small mewling sound.
“Yes. Oh…you stretch me.”
Dare sank into her, focused on every sensation. She was tight, and he could feel her inner muscles spasm.
Her arms wrapped around him, her nails digging into his back. “Are you all the way in?”
“Not yet.” She was damned tight. “But I will be soon, and then you’ll come for me again.”